There are many ways to define a leader but let’s take these simple definitions: a leader is any person that leads or directs the affairs of a particular entity; a leader is one who goes first.  The leadership of man has been from the very beginning, it was because of the imperfection and the behavior of man that made it necessary for them to be led. It is not arguable that being a leader is one of the toughest work to engage in; man is the hardest creation to control because of their high level of intelligence and enthusiasm to engage in various activities they desire. However, these activities could be good or evil and that is why the control of man’s behavior is one of the most necessary things to consider as the heart of man is basically corrupt due to his/her environment.

Man is selfish in nature; whatever men do is for their benefit. Because of the desires and quest of man, they are able to do all they can to achieve their goals in order to satisfy their desire. The control of these endless desires of man brought about “Leadership”.

It takes a lot of wisdom and courage to be a leader, a leader must have considered himself worthy to bring about a positive change among the people he leads. No one is perfect; that same leader is the imperfect man that has come to lead imperfect people and this is the reason why you cannot have a perfect leader but fortunately for us, we can have a good leader.

We should know that a leader is someone who is leading people of different understanding and beliefs, he makes his decisions carefully so as not to offend or interfere with the belief of a group of people. Sometimes they get confused when a tough situation arises, they may not be mathematicians but they would always try to balance the equation.  Even if a leader wants to share all his money to everyone in his team, some people would still object to his proposal; why? Because they are men.

How do we judge our leaders? We say our leaders are so selfish meanwhile we’re calling him to come and rehabilitate some infrastructures in our communities, what about other communities? Why don’t we advocate for the government to build roads in other communities before coming to ours to build roads? If a President or a Governor approves a project in one state or a Local Government Area (L.G.A.) respectively, some other states and L.G.A. would say they approved a project for other states and L.G.A. while our own lies in deterioration. Are they wrong by saying that or feeling bad about it? NO! It’s because they’re are simply men. In order words, if anyone of us finds ourselves in their position, you would also be left with no choice than to make a decision too.

We should honor and pray for our leaders; not just political leaders, but also your Parents, Teachers, your Employer, your Pastors, Priests, your Chief Imams etc. Cursing our leaders will not solve our problems, but giving them the right judgment and a respectful criticism against their bad ways may change them for good. We should always remember that we can never get to the throne we have cursed. We are humans and our words are powerful. It can work for us or against us, so be careful about  what you say.

Let us support our leaders while they’re trying to do us good and stop those who do evil to us in accordance with the laws of the land. Honoring your leader would show him that you appreciate and support him for his good works but dishonoring your leaders who are good show your arrogance which would only demoralize the good-working leader to continue his good works, that is why it is so heart breaking to hear some ungrateful NYSC corps members who said “it is my right” after the President had increased their stipends to N33,000 instead of being thankful to the President. You have a president that thought you deserve better and you have the guts to say it’s your right, that’s a high level of dishonor. Please always recognize the efforts of your leaders and appreciate them. Pray for them also for God to strengthen them and change their bad ways.

Truly, you don’t know what they face over there. Just imagine someone beg you for some money when you are even finding it hard to feed; how would you feel? Or imagine a bank manager giving out the deposits of customers to those who come begging them for assistance, won’t the manger be sacked? That’s why we should remember our leaders in prayer so that those forces that prevents them to execute good judgment would be conquered.

Honor and pray for your leaders, things would likely turn out to be good for you.

Mofunanya Emmanuel N.