Mofunanya Emmanuel N.
Mofunanya Emmanuel N.
Congratulations on your POP.


It was indeed a successful service year. I particularly return all glory to Almighty God for His kind direction and seeing me through my NYSC program.
I remembered praying to God for a period of one week concerning my NYSC posting; I had told God I wanted a place where I would find better opportunities. As someone who likes to add a significant value no matter how small it could be anywhere I find myself, I wanted a place where my presence would be felt.
NYSC had started their registration in which I obtained the NYSC form and registered accordingly. When NYSC had posted prospective corps members to various states across the nation, I reached to my dashboard and saw I have been posted to Plateau State; to be honest, I had no intention of going to the North so I didn’t like the fact that I was posted to Plateau State. God works in a way the humans may not understand; He can give you a breakthrough in a place of discomfort.
It was time for camping and I traveled to the North-Central for the first time, so I boarded the big bus (Marcopolo) to Jos Plateau. It was supposed to be a night Journey; though I didn’t arrive at the park early enough to board a good bus, I still found one. It wasn’t really a stress-free journey for all of us that boarded the bus as it disappointed and stopped us indefinitely at the entrance border between Anambra and Enugu State around twenty-three hundred hours (23:00). We spent the night right there frustrated, praying that we won’t get robbed as the area was lonely, hmm(sighs), it was indeed an unfortunate experience traveling to Plateau State for the first time. It was so sad that the driver wouldn’t help us get another bus so we could continue our journey neither would he refund us; so we had two options: Stay until the bus is fixed till God knows when or board another vehicle leaving the earlier paid transport fare behind. It was bad; we had paid N4,500 each. One of the most painful parts of it was that the bus left a man traveling with his family stranded (a family of four with one infant), he was also faced with the same fate just like everyone else in the bus.
I started out my journey to Enugu state to board another vehicle leaving my N4,500 behind. Luckily, I found one but this time around, I made sure it’s a small sized vehicle (lol) and I still paid the same amount of money. The car took off around 11:15 and traveling with this small vehicle was fun unlike my former experience; this is because all us that traveled with the car were prospective corps members. We made lots of fun while we were traveling as we felt the amazing nature of our country even though it was hot as we approach the tropical region of Nigeria.
Plateau State Land view
After we had traveled hundreds of kilo-meters away, suddenly, I started feeling a cool breeze as we approach a particular location. Truly, the weather condition of my location at that point in time was unfamiliar; I’m sure I have not felt such a condition before. The driver seemed to have noticed our feelings and told us “na Plateau State we dey enter so”. Suddenly, I started recalling the things I heard about Plateau State, how cool it is, how it is blessed with a vast table land even though it’s on the plateau, how God installed mountains of big rocks over it and so on. As the driver accelerates the vehicle from one position to another, I saw truly that all I heard about this beautiful state is true. 
I was supposed to go to Mangu LGA where all the prospective corps members should camp but since it was late, I stopped at the famous and beautiful Jos North overhead bridge, painted with an amazing arts paintings as my friend Success who was a corps member then directed.
Jos North Overhead Bridge
Jos North Overhead Bridge

Jos North Overhead Bridge
Jos North Overhead Bridge
It was cold as I came down, very cold. I wore my thick sweater, yet, the cold was so much that it penetrates through my sweater; it was around twenty-two hundred hours (22:00) when I arrived Jos. As I awaits success to come pick me up, I was cold and hungry(chuckles). As I arrived the corpers lodge where Success resides, the corps members gave me a warm welcome. I was still bathing when Success prepared a delicious Indomie noodles for me that night, a meal I’m still thankful for till today (lol, thanks Success). Truly, I had a good night.
This welcomes you to Jos
The next morning, I went to Mangu Camp, a proper search was conducted by the military men as usual to ensure good security within the camp. As I tread on the walkway, I heard someone called out “hey you! Carry your bag on your head now and double-up!” he shouted. Sincerely, the only thing I understood among the things he said was that I should carry my bag on my head which of course I did but concerning the ‘double-up’, I didn’t know if I should start running, start jumping or jugging; I did not know what he meant by ‘double-up’ though I was still walking with my loads on my head. Suddenly I heard another shout from him, “if you’re walking you’re wrong!”. At this point, I understood he wanted me to run with my loads on my head down to the hostel. As I was slowly jugging, I saw lots of corps members dressed in whites. 
Mangu NYSC Orientation Camp
Land view of Mangu NYSC Orientation Camp 
I quickly secured a good position in the boys’ hostel, dressed up and proceeded to do my documentation. After I was done, I started going back to the hostel, then I heard a biggle sound being blown by one of the military men (paa papaa paa papaa…), immediately, I observed that everyone stood still, nobody was moving including the Soldiers, I also saw the Nigerian Flag rolling down slowly. Seeing what was happening, I also stood still without knowing what was going on and hoping that I wasn’t fooling myself in the midst of the crowd (lol). After this short exercise, I asked one of the corps members who came before me, “what just happened?” he laughed as he gave me an interesting but funny answer, “Nigerian just went back to sleep and would wake up the next morning by 6:00”. We both laughed out loud.
I really enjoyed my time in camp. I found myself in six (6) Platoon; I participated in Parade and my platoon was the first runner-up; I also participated in the SAED program. On the last day, we were posted in various LGA of Plateau State. Though I applied for a relocation, my application wasn’t granted. However, I was posted to one of the best places in Plateau State; it was Rayfield, Jos south LGA.
When I arrived Rayfield, I didn’t like it in the first place even though it’s located in town, just very close to the Government House of Plateau. While the sun sets, I quickly find my way to the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Everlasting Love Parish. It was surprising the way they welcomed corps members, gave us a place to lay our heads and also fed us for a period of one week.
When I finally settled, I started teaching at Government Secondary School (GSS) Anglo-Jos; I taught mathematics and handled the SS 2 classes. I loved my students and I also saw that they loved me too.
While I was serving my country, I had a business that I wanted to register as a company. God had given me an amazing idea that could turn a song (an anthem) which people don’t really regard into a complete and a huge asset for Institutions, organizations, companies and many more. After my research, I found out that few or no one does this business the way I have been doing it and therefore have few or no competitor. As time went, I took the courage and obtained registration for my business as a company (Mofustunez Entertainment Company) with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) on the 18th day of October, 2019 in Plateau State. 

It wasn’t an easy decision to register a company as a corps member. I thought about the risk of spending the huge amount of money that’s involved in the company’s registration, I thought about the people that may refuse to help me seeing that I could have a company of my own. I didn’t mind; I took the risk since I have a great chance of succeeding. Obtaining this registration made me to starve for few weeks until I received my NYSC stipend, I didn’t want to call home, I would always pretend to be fine and didn’t make them know I needed help urgently. I was just trying to be responsible for myself. While I have a family and couple of friends that applauded by courage to register a company, I had some queried me for obtaining the registration, some thought I was wasting my time, some thought I was putting a pear pressure on others and described me as disgusting, others thought I’m proud while some other people believed I’m too young to operate a company. As a result of what I have done, many of my friends wouldn’t care about what I’m up to, they would not even like my facebook page or social handles after my invitations, could you imagine that some even feel embarrassed?

Seeing some people’s reaction, I began to wonder if I was different from a fresh pepper seller who would pay for her shop or space, or pay some tax to be allowed to do her business in a particular location. The only difference is that I invested in the corporate world. So just like the pepper seller would pay a token for her to be allowed to sell, I had to register my business so I can operate as a company in peace. To even make the whole thing worse for them, I design a website for my business (
Mofunanya Emmanuel receiving an award
Mofunanya Emmanuel receiving an award from the
Former Nation President of the Nigerian Society
of Chemical Engineers
Prof. Sam S. Adefil FNSChE, FNSE, FAEng

Mofunanya Emmanuel N.
An award of recognition presented to Mofunanya Emmanuel N.
for proposing Chemical Engineering Anthem
after 48 year.

It all started when I composed an anthem for the Nigerian Society of Chemical Engineers (NSChE) which they never had for over 48 years, this achievement got me a national award from the president of the body as at then, Prof. Sam S. Adefila FNSChE, FNSE, FAEng on behalf of NSChE. The Nigerian Society of Engineers is a body that controls the affairs of chemical engineering discipline in Nigeria. Though I know I have the gift of writing good songs as well as singing, my gift was appreciated nationally for the first time. This same blessing also reached my place of primary assignment (PPA) GSS Anglo-Jos as I composed an interesting anthem which they never had since the establishment of the school in 1982 (i.e. 38 years).
Anspoly Msical Album
Anspoly Msical Album
Anambra State Polytechnic, seeing the expertise that is being exhibited by Mofustunez Entertainment invited me to see the possibility of having a taste of what we can offer. After convincing the Rector (Mrs. Nneka C. Mefoh) and the entire staff of ANSPOLY, the School awarded Mofustunez Entertainment her first contract as a company which turned out to be massive success, a project the school will continue to cherish.  Mofustunez Entertainment created a musical album for ANSPOLY which contains: ANSPOLY anthem, ANSPOLY Chant, ANSPOLY welcome song, ANSPOLY love song and so on. Click on link to listen to ANSPOLY Songs:
Serving in Plateau State was indeed a blessing to me, I explored the opportunities that I could, met people who contributed to my well-being, I met a beautiful state I wish to remained in, full of good people and great opportunities. I served my country diligently and obtained the favor of diligent service. I remembered how I would always teach the students during the weekend including Saturdays to make sure they obtained a good knowledge in basic mathematics. I’m missing them already.
When you find yourself in a place where you can add some value, don't hide your talent; bring it on, it could bless the lives of people.
I want to use this opportunity to thank the President of our nation for making my service year fun and easy, to the Director General of NYSC, Brig. Gen. Shuaibu Ibrahim for the care he has continually shown all corps members, to my State Coordinator, my Local Government Inspector, My CDS supervisor, GSS Anglo-Jos Principal for all their care and efforts for making me have a beautiful year of service. A special thanks to Pastor Femi Kinrin (the CEO Spotlex World Environmental Solution), a man blessed with God’s ability and inspiration, you can’t spend your time with him and remain the same, to my family and friends who would always support me on every good move I make.
I am done with my NYSC program, now let the will of God be done in my life, amen.
May God bless you all.
Mofunanya Emmanuel N.