Mr. Femi Kinrin

Mr. Femi Kinrin G.S (CWMgr). [Managing Consultant/CEO] is a seasoned environmentalist with Bsc. In Geography and Planning and a specialization in environmental resources management from Lagos State University. Msc (Environmental Resource Planning), University of Jos with special focus on waste management. He studied MBA in Corporate Governance in National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN). He holds an advance diploma in leadership from Daystar Leadership Academy, he is an alumni of Daystar Business Academy, a certified pest controller per excellence. He is currently a researcher on sustainable environmental management, a consultant of high repute and teacher of sustainable environmental values.
He is a deputy counselor (FCT Council) and a chartered member of the internationally reputable waste managers society of Nigeria (WAMASON); a professional body of waste managers affiliated to International Solid Waste Association (ISWA). He is a member of Association of Waste Managers of Nigeria (AWAM).
Besides being an accredited consultant to NESRA among other agencies, He is an active participant and speaker in various environmental summits including annual Stakeholders Forum of National Environmental Standards Regulations and Enforcement Agency (NESRA), National Assembly Public Hearings and Summits to mention but a few; he’s the convener of ‘CCC’ viz Clean Culture Conference, Clean Culture Clinic, Clean Culture Contest, Clean Culture Club and Clean Culture Campaign. He is mentored by proficient and reliable hands in the environmental industry.
He is an active participant in numerous environmental development for and training organized by the United Nations Center for Regional Development (UNCRD), Lagos Waste Management Authority (LAWMA), National Environmental Standards Regulations and Enforcement Agency (NESREA), Waste Managers Society of Nigeria (WAMASON), by extension, member of International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) and International Partnership on Expanding Waste Management for Local Authorities (IPLA) to mention but a few.
He currently serves on several working committees on waste collection and handling to mention but a few. As a consultant on the Environment, he speaks and teach environmental issues with authority among children and adults in schools, religious settings, financial and non-financial institutions, parent-teachers‘ fora, community based associations, trade union etc. He is an environmental consultant and a teacher you would love to meet as he resolves environmental puzzles with passion.
In addition to being an ex-banker, he has over 20 years of dedicated study services in environmental management. He is currently leading Spotlex World for global best practice.

Spotlex World Environmental Solution Ltd is an environmental management champion and an accredited environmental consultant and trainer certified by National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agencies (NESREA). We are members of indigenous and international professional groups such as the Internationally Reputable Waste Managers Society of Nigeria (WAMASON; a professional body of waste managers affiliated to International Solid Waste Association (ISWA). Waste Managers Association of Nigeria (AWAM).
We are a professional firm and a strategist in environmental management with a burning passion for a change attitude in environmental care. For our commitment to achieving a world without spot they manage by a blend of professional managers with both practical experience and professional understanding in environmental services for over 20 years. Above all, we have integrity: you can trust us with your environment.
Over the years, through our services and technical guidance, we have been providing holistc solution to environmental management issues; because it’s our area of strength and not of stress, westill do and we will always do.
Over the years, we have provided solutions to environmental challenges for governments, companies, corporation, individuals etc. Spotlex World is the convener of ‘CCC’ Viz Clean Culture Conference, Clean Culture Clinic, Clean Culture Contest, Clean Culture Club and Clean Culture Campaign. We are poised to revolutionalize environmental management in the country which has resulted in our racing to lead environmental management service providers in the nation,

Oh yes! Spotlex World is leading a Clean Culture in your interest; we are your one-stop-shop for environmental solution.
To be the clean leader of clean culture in environmental management industry by 2030.
To raise environmental consciousness through advocacy, withexcellence and cost effective environmental management services.

We carry out services that promote a change to better attitude in favour pf credible and reposible environmental care.